Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Elder Scrolls Online Unkillable DragonKnight Build (Part 1)

I created this to reach all of Elder Scrolls Online players who wish to have a good build for DragonKnight class.

This is my initial post and I will continue to update you guys.

Let's start with the description of the build, and I want to start sharing what I had in Update 1.5.
The build, so-called Unkillable DK Build, popularized in the game by me and my character named Sheliza. This build is for 1on1 duels, but also can work in open-world PVP.

Update 1.5
During this update, this build was proven Unkillable in any 1on1 duel, vs any class or any level of skill the enemy player has. This has a very good playability, which means that you don't need to be so fast in the combination of skills needed to damage enemy or to defend yourself. I am playing this build with an average of 30fps and minimum 300 ping because of my laptop's low spec and from being too far from the server of the game. The server is from US while I live in Asia.

The build is very tanky, and has a decent DPS. Duelling against poorly skilled players is a sure win, against an average player is the same, good players might end up to get a draw though. But the concept of this build is the best thing to keep in mind while duelling, "Unkillable" which means you can't be killed. Remember that you can't deal damage when dead. I used this build for the whole duration of the Update 1.5 and noone has managed to kill me. It is update 1.6 now in the game, but I want to discuss this first because it is where I will based the Unkillable build for 1.6.

Let me ask you first before I continue to explore the build.
Do you want to have a build good for 1on1 vs any class? And you do not need to change anything going into open-world PVP? How awesome would that be. Do you want to watch 5 Nightblades keep on attacking you and all you have to do is to press 1 button of your mouse while laughing at them? Those are the best moments I have had in this game, and I want to share it now.

The build is hard to get though, but with good amount of playing time, you will be able to get the gears required for the build. The core concept which will make this build Unkillable is the ability to sustain itself. I call it "Self-sustain". It is self containing due to the mere fact that when you are doing nothing except from blocking, you are able to gain stats rather than losing them. For example, a Nightblade, duel-wield user and using shades was thought to drain stamina the fastest way possible, but they are wrong, that will be a very good opponent for this build.

For this post (Part 1), I will reveal the abilities slotted on both bars.

One hand & Shield - this is my defensive set-up but is also able to do some decent damage.

1. Defensive Stance - this skill is to provide additional mitigation. An additional 8% for someone who is already tanky is very good. It is also a CC (crowd control or easier to understand as a disabling ability) through reflected projectile attacks.

2. Invasion - a gap closer is a must. And a gap closer with CC is simply amazing.

3. Obsidian Shard - this one is my CC using magicka, so that means I am having CCs whichever is available for me to use based on my stats, but 1 thing about this is the ability to generate stamina from magicka. It is the helping hands passive. If you do have a very good amount of stamina, the 5% gain for every earthen heart ability you cast will be very good amount, what a nice way to generate stamina while doing CC.

4. Ransack - awesome skill to debuff enemy while buffing yourself. Very few player use this, but you will understand more in Part 2 why I chose to use this.

5. Green Dragon Blood - dragonknight's trademark skill

6. Flawless Dawnbreaker - increases weapon damage by 10% when slotted. That's just it, to increase damage

Two-handed Sword - my executioner!

1. Igneous Weapon - adds a total of 22 weapon damage and additional damage to light and heavy attacks. A very low cost skill to add dps and will also generate stamina.

2. Critical Charge - i personally love to have gap closer on both bars.

3. Obsidian Shard -my favorite CC, at the same time generating stamina through magicka, so I can keep the pressure on my opponent while I'm going for the kill.

4. Executioner - when the enemy gets low on health this will finish him off.

5. Rally - additional weapon damage plus heal. Mainly because of the additional damage, for healing swap to 1st bar.

6. Dragon Leap - perfect combo for the finish. Use this for the damage and when the enemy gets knocked back and with low health, quickly finish him off with executioner.

On Part 2 we will discuss the gears and the stats distribution for this build.
Thanks for reading! :D


  1. I've started using something based on this build and I'm already having fun watching four or five bears/wolves/spriggans happlessly attack me. I'm getting damage off spellcasters though as my def-stance keeps running out of stamina.

    How did you lay out your three attributes? And do you get by alright without the spiked/hardened/volatile armour skill cos I added it to my bat while waiting to level up.

    Also - please keep this blog going, even if I'm the only subscriber. I like your build, especially as it's vanilla does not rely on werewolf/vampire abilites. I get sick of hearing about them!
